1. What attracted you to this particular space in the Hamilton building? How do the characteristics of the space relate to your work in particular?
This monster that lies beyond the confines of daily experience, the chaos before taking shape, the manifestation of the movement of matters. Even though the building stands there still and unmoving, it appears to be in perpetual motion.
My work also goes back to the chaotic state before shape is born, chaos that gives rise to shape. In the chaos, there is no limit and things are intertwined, fused. From this perspective, my work and the miraculous space are in one embrace.
2. What were your initial reactions to the Libeskind-designed Hamilton building? reactions to the concept behind Embrace of asking artists to "take it over?"
A fantastic building is a bona fide adventure in itself. While posing a great challenge to an exhibition, it also presents it with new vitality. In the “Embrace!” exhibition, the curator allows different artists to blend in with different spaces. Art and space reinvigorate each other, and space empowers art to flourish within the space, while we, the artists, become cells of the museum.
3. There seems to be a narrative of some kind ( of multiple narratives?) in this work. Is this true? Can you talk a little bit about narrative in your work?
This work embodies natural figuration under synthesized influence. Not only are the scenes of the realistic world observed, the motion of deep-lying energy that empowers the world can also be gleamed, rendering every unfolding fact the closest step to reality (such as the financial crisis). What lies before the fact is the immense synthesized impact, something that can be traced to the age before the birth of the universe.
The boundless motion of the energy of the universe determines the inevitable trend, which in turn shapes fortunes, which then alters the direction of the next fleeting moment. The energy world thus rises above the realistic world, one after another.
4. Can you talk about the different elements in this work- audio, video, painting on canvas, mirrored wall? Can you talk a bit about their relationship to one another?
This work is a holistic expression of art, which includes audio, video, painting and installation. The misty fog drifts towards the wall, ushering in many a form. Messages from the macro-, micro- and the realistic worlds are woven together and switch from one form to another. Although movements are manifold in direction, the general trend can not be obstructed from rolling forward with overwhelming force. Assuming a new orientation, it thaws and vanishes in the universe. Following the video and starting from the universe, the painting begins another journey, and all dark matters gradually become history and reality, with each and every space interconnected rather than stand-alone. Then from the depth of gloom, it walks towards the light, step by step and, through the reflection of the mirror, sinks back into the abyss of darkness, bit by bit. The process continues, unchanging, unceasing. The audio is the sound of the earth, emitted to the space.
5. In general, how do you go about titling your work? Can you talk a little about the title of the work for Embrace?
Mirage is an emersion of another space, of what once was. Encompassing the past, the present and the future, it shares with the work of art identical attributes. Although in reality the title “Mirage” is not as broad as what the artwork portrays, it is an opening, a link with the vast world beyond.
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